"How the Farmer Can Save His Sweet Potatoes and Ways of Preparing It for the Table" (2nd ed.), January 1925


George Washington Carver directed the agricultural Experiment Station at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. As part of his work, Carver wrote what he called "threefold" agricultural bulletins, with information for farmers, teachers, and housewives. Carver advocated that Southern farmers grow sweet potatoes: they helped nitrogenate depleted soils, were nutritious, and kept well.

George Washington Carver directed the agricultural Experiment Station at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. As part of his work, Carver wrote what he called "threefold" agricultural bulletins, with information for farmers, teachers, and housewives. Carver advocated that Southern farmers grow sweet potatoes: they helped nitrogenate depleted soils, were nutritious, and kept well.


Paper (Fiber product)


Printing (Process)


Black-and-white (Colors)


Height: 9 in

Width: 6 in