The Grand Army of the Republic and Memorial Day

Members of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Visiting Mount Vernon, September 21, 1892 / THF254036
The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a fraternal society founded in 1866 for Civil War veterans from the Union Army. Earlier this year, Collections Specialist Laura Myles shared some artifacts from our collections related to the G.A.R., and also explained their relationship with Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day), as part of our History Outside the Box series on The Henry Ford’s Instagram channel. On the first Friday of every month, our collections experts share stories from our collection on Instagram—but if you missed this particular episode, you can watch it below.
If you found this interesting and would like to learn more, you can visit our blog to read additional posts about the G.A.R. or check out dozens of artifacts related to the G.A.R. in our Digital Collections. You can also expand out a bit to check out artifacts and stories related to veterans, artifacts and stories about the Civil War, or more artifacts related to Memorial Day. If you have any questions, please reach out to our research staff via AskUs—and be sure to follow The Henry Ford on Instagram to be sure you catch each new History Outside the Box presentation live on first Fridays!
Laura Myles is Collections Specialist and Ellice Engdahl is Digital Collections & Content Manager at The Henry Ford.
20th century, 19th century, veterans, holidays, History Outside the Box, Grand Army of the Republic, Civil War, by Laura Myles, by Ellice Engdahl
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