Henry Ford Added a Photo

Industrialist. Outdoorsman. Race car driver. Henry Ford did a lot, and we have photos to prove it - lots of photos.
Here are 10 more of my favorites... The first is our main image, posted above.
Henry Ford driving his Quadricycle, Detroit, Michigan, 1896 (THF206457).
Henry Ford driving his "Sweepstakes" race car against Alexander Winton, Grosse Pointe, Michigan, 1901 (THF94819).
Henry Ford feeding a deer, circa 1912 (THF97195).
Henry and Clara Ford birdwatching at “the bungalow,” the future site of their Fair Lane estate, Dearborn, Michigan, 1910-1915 (THF96013).
Henry Ford, lacing his boots during a camping trip, 1919 (THF96265).
Henry and Edsel Ford with a player piano during a camping trip in Maryland, 1921 (THF96578).
Henry Ford operating a Westinghouse portable steam engine, Dearborn, Michigan, 1922 ( THF96847).
Henry Ford and George Washington Carver at the Tuskeegee Institute, Alabama, 1938 (THF213775).
Henry Ford and chemist Robert Boyer unveiling the “Soybean Car,” a prototype with a plastic body, Dearborn, Michigan, 1941 (THF98874).
Jim Orr, Image Services Specialist, forgot to pack the player piano the last time he went camping.
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