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Activating The Henry Ford Archive of Innovation

Just Added to Our Digital Collections: John Margolies Slides

June 10, 2014 Archive Insight


John Margolies has spent decades traveling the roads of America and photographing roadside attractions, restaurants, shops, and motels. Many of them are in varying states of abandonment and decline, but harken back to the excitement of 20th century road trips and the unique commercial designs they spawned. The Henry Ford recently acquired about 1,500 slides by John Margolies, and is digitizing selections by Chief Curator and Curator of Industry & Design Marc Greuther, including this drive-in cleaners’ sign photographed in 1987 in Oregon. View more selections from the Margolies collection on our collections website.

Ellice Engdahl is Digital Collections and Content Manager at The Henry Ford.

popular culture, roads and road trips, Roadside America, John Margolies, by Ellice Engdahl, digital collections

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