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Winter in Greenfield Village: Hanging Hams, Bacon and Fatback at Firestone Farm

February 28, 2012 Archive Insight

Every winter, Firestone farmers work hard preserving meats from our December butchering. Hams, bacon and fatback are all cured using a process that would have been very familiar to the Firestones in 1885.

Hams curing in a sugar and spice rub

Bacon and fatback, ready to be hung in cheesecloth sacks; typically, fatback will be used for seasoning dishes rather than for frying, like bacon.

Every day, Firestone farmers rub these cuts of meat with a mixture of salt, sugar and various spices. The salt dehydrates the meat, while sugar prevents it from getting too tough and the spices help to give the meat a nice flavor. It takes several weeks for larger cuts of meat like hams to finish curing. Once a week, old cure is removed from the meat and it is replaced with fresh cure.

These hams will be enjoyed by Firestone farmers all throughout the year.

Once the meat is cured, it is wrapped in cheesecloth sacks and hung in the cold room located in Firestone Farm’s cellar.

Adding fatback to the cheesecloth sacks

Up it goes!

Near the meat are several other foods that were preserved last year, including dried chili peppers, pickles and crocks of sauerkraut as well as jars of tomatoes, pickled green beans, applesauce and more.

Red chili peppers drying

The sauerkraut inside this crock has to be maintained every week so that it doesn't spoil. Sauerkraut will be very common on the Firestone dinner table during the early spring, when fresh produce from our gardens is not yet available.The sauerkraut inside this crock has to be maintained every week so that it does not spoil. Sauerkraut will be very common on the Firestone dinner table during the early spring, when fresh produce from our gardens is not available.

I bet the Firestone farmers can't wait to enjoy these!

When you visit from April through November, make sure to check out the Firestone home's cellar and cold room - you'll be sure to notice our cured meat hanging from the ceiling in our cold room...and as the year progresses and the time for butchering once again approaches, there will be very little cured meat left hanging in cheesecloth.

#Behind The Scenes @ The Henry Ford, home life, food, farms and farming, Greenfield Village buildings, Greenfield Village, winter

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